Tuesday 24 April 2012



"When it comes to how to become a best friend of God, opinions here are like belly buttons – every- one has one. Many talk what they think instead of what the Lord has spoken regarding that issue. I am here by the Spirit of God to detail what the Lord told me about intimacy and not what opinions I might have........
God loves His people and He is more willing to fall even deeper in love with them than they are willing to be in a love affair with Him......... 
A long time ago, Blaise Pascal, after years of studying Mathematics observed that there is a of us. He noticed that there was, is and always nutshell Pascal realized, though a mathematician himself, that we are made for a close relationship with God. He got the truth that we are created for an intimate relationship with our creator. "


In this book Pastor Beverly Angel delves into how one can achieve a whirlwind romance with the heart of God that gives them access into his secrets and hear his voice clearly. A friendship that is so Intimate that it can change your world in biblical proportions. This book creates in you a deeper walk with the Lord. A love affair and friendship with God that produces a kind of buzzing, jittery, excited love you feel that makes you nervous in the right sense. A desire for God that makes your palms sweat, your mouth dry, your heart races with excitement, butterflies in your stomach and even makes words stumble clumsily out of your mouth for the Lord.

'INTIMACY' is loaded line by line with tried and tested secrets that will without fail help you become more intimate with The Lord Jesus. Pastor Beverly also shares personal experiences that helped her learn how to romance the heart of God and become a lover and best friend of God!
Beverly Angel is one of the most visible prophetic leaders of our time. She and her husband, Prophet Uebert Angel are founders of the ever growing Spirit Embassy churches around the world. Pastor Beverly Angel travels extensively around the world and speaks internationally to thousands each year. Her name, like her husbands is now synonymous with miracles, signs, wonders and accurate prophecies. 

She is also the Founder of Flair, Angel Group of Companies, co-founder of Spirit Embassy and the author of the popular daily devotional Power for Today which she co-authors with her husband Prophet Uebert Angel. She holds Degrees in Finance from Salford University and read Education at Bolton University in the United Kingdom. 


  1. im attracted to this book, is it available as a soft ware and how can i get it. thank u

  2. How do I download d PDF of this book?

  3. I am gettinggitg. What a great book

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